Project Awesome **SACCAGE VERSION**

"And what's the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge." - Spike Spiegel, Cowboy Bebop

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Friday. Oh gods, that seems so long ago.....

First things first - Episode Three. By the time I finish writing this, it should be on Youboob. Apologies for the extended delay - sadly, in this crazy, mixed up world we live in, the education I'm paying for (Grrrrrr) must come first. Once I awaken from my extended sleep (aka tomorrow), I'll post it up here.

Oh yeah, LONDON! Sadly due to filming / time constraints, we only got three videos of note... but trust me, they're crackers. And by crackers, I mean NUTS. Controversy! Insanity! Cosplayers! We have them all, and those three episodes will make up the final part of the first season of SACCAGE. We still got 5/6 videos to go from the J-Culture Con in Derby, plus a few more surprises planned, but after that you'll see London Collectormania appearing in 2010.

Hope you guys enjoy Episode Three... when it turns up!!

Why the hell do I put up deadlines just to miss them?

Actually, episode three is in it's post-production stage now (aka where it stays on my hard drive waiting for me to convert it into something youtube will like), so it's ready to go up on Friday. The episode after that (imaginatively titled episode four) may have to be postponed due to the editing of a TOP SECRET SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME MINI-VIDEO which will probably be stuck up on here. But hell, postponing the release of the next video just adds to the tension and hype right?

Anyways, onto what I'm actually supposed to be talking about. This Saturday (i.e. 28th) the SACCAGE team will be at the London Collectormania con to slob around get some more videos filmed. So, if you live within travelling distance of the most stuck up city this side of the Atlantic Ocean and you want to be part of what will probably be Series Two of SACCAGE, then come on down! More information on Collectormania can be found here.

Peace out!!

Here it is, the long-awaited second episode!
Abyssinion and Seff

BONUS GET! Introducing.... Episode Zero?
For all those who still have no idea what's going on!!

"I've come to deliver some bad luck!"
                                                           -  Train Heartnet (Black Cat)

My avid readers, it seems that I very much suck.

It took me four days to realise that apparently only "registered" (WTF DOES THAT EVEN MEAN ANYWAY?) users could comment on the blog... sorry!! Screw you E-Blogger Jesus life!! Well anyway, that's now been fixed, so you may now POST AWAY!!!

We have some new videos prepared but because Youtube sucks of technical issues they may be slightly delayed. What will probably happen is we'll start uploading episodes every Friday, once a week. So in future check back here every Friday for your weekly shot of all things AWESOME [**SACCAGE VERSION**]. Oh yeah, and there's a special **surprise** episode going up when I get my money these technical issues are resolved.

And before I forget, we're looking for PEOPLE!! Yes, YOU!! Especially Cosplayers and people who **think** they know stuff about Japan. If you'd like to be part of our project, please contact And if you happen to be part of an Anime / Japan - centric website, we're looking for AFFILATES to SPREAD OUR GLORIOUS WORDS!! Oh, and for that matter, if you think we're doing a good job, SPREAD THE WORD!! If you think we're doing a bad job, SPREAD THE WORD ANYWAY!! We need the attention......................................... plz?

Peace Out!!

Introducing episode one... Master Sama!!

"Well it's a long story, even though it's kinda a short one"
                                                                                 - Nicholas D. Wolfwood

Yeah, I know. You're probably wondering WTF Project Awesome actually is.
[There is an introductory video coming, however we have to pay the bills too, so... yeah, it might take awhile. But it is a priority ^_^]

The original Project Awesome is French - "le projet A.W.E.S.O.M.E" , created by French Otaku and super genius Zali Falcam. Anyway, in a nutshell, in this seriously awesome (LOL CWUT I DID THAR :P) series, Zali goes around anime conventions and interviews Otaku on their perceptions of Japan. Put it this way - just because you're wearing cosplay, does this make you Japanese? And the results are rather interesting .... and funny too xD You can see the original series here.

.... but they're really nice people really! But remember they do speak ANOTHER language, so you might not understand WTF is going on!!]

And that's where we come in! With Sakhaline-Tan's arrival here in the UK, our spin-off series, Project Awesome : SACCAGE was born! We're doing pretty much the same thing - in October we visited the J-Culture Con in Derby, so our first ten or so videos will be from there. And after that... who knows?

Oh, before I forget... you're probably wondering how the interviews are done, right? Well, anyone brave enough to come and get interviewed by us has to answer three questions at random... from a choice of 160. They range from generic questions on Japanese questions to slightly more insane ones... hopefully you'll see what I mean when the first videos finally get dug up from our crypt!

Peace out!!

"I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travellers or ESPers here, come join me. That is all"
                                                    - Haruhi Suzumiya

Welcome to the official blog for the Project Awesome **SACCAGE VERSION** !!

From now on, this will be the home blog for the U.K. version of the otaku-centered Project Awesome **SACCAGE VERSION**. My name is The_Saccage_Blogger , but you'll see me listed as Abyssinion elsewhere.... damn copyright!!

In case you're wondering...
A.W.E.S.O.M.E.: Ask a Weeaboo for Edification of Sociology of Otaku Mediocre Entertainment
S.A.C.C.A.G.E.: Steal a Creative Concept and Gather Eccentrics

Once I'm finished offering our souls to the eternal god Kamina, and - perhaps slightly more importantly - finished figuring out how this DAMN HTML CODING WORKS!!!!!!, I'll show you exactly what our project is all about! Oh, and don't go thinking I'm the big cheese on this project, there are others around as well, but I'm sure they'll make themselves known at some point... hopefully... PLZ?

Peace out!!

About Project Awesome : SACCAGE

The UK's version of one man's (and one cameraman's) craaaazy attempts to figure out just how much French Otaku know about the awesomeness of the land of the rising sun.