Project Awesome **SACCAGE VERSION**

"And what's the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge." - Spike Spiegel, Cowboy Bebop

"I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travellers or ESPers here, come join me. That is all"
                                                    - Haruhi Suzumiya

Welcome to the official blog for the Project Awesome **SACCAGE VERSION** !!

From now on, this will be the home blog for the U.K. version of the otaku-centered Project Awesome **SACCAGE VERSION**. My name is The_Saccage_Blogger , but you'll see me listed as Abyssinion elsewhere.... damn copyright!!

In case you're wondering...
A.W.E.S.O.M.E.: Ask a Weeaboo for Edification of Sociology of Otaku Mediocre Entertainment
S.A.C.C.A.G.E.: Steal a Creative Concept and Gather Eccentrics

Once I'm finished offering our souls to the eternal god Kamina, and - perhaps slightly more importantly - finished figuring out how this DAMN HTML CODING WORKS!!!!!!, I'll show you exactly what our project is all about! Oh, and don't go thinking I'm the big cheese on this project, there are others around as well, but I'm sure they'll make themselves known at some point... hopefully... PLZ?

Peace out!!


About Project Awesome : SACCAGE

The UK's version of one man's (and one cameraman's) craaaazy attempts to figure out just how much French Otaku know about the awesomeness of the land of the rising sun.